Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dinner & a Movie

This Friday night, February 29 BridgePoint will host its final “comeback event.” That’s right February 29th…it’s a leap year so why not spend the extra day that evening enjoying dinner & a movie in Tarentum at the James 5:16 Center.

Everyone is invited & encouraged to bring their favorite dish & a bottle of pop. Potluck dinners are always a hit & the feasting will begin at 7pm. The show will start at 7:15. Our feature presentation will be…”ROCKY” starring Sylvester Stallone & Talia Shire. I can think of no other fitting way to bring our monthly service launch process to a conclusion then by showing in a boxing gym one of the most beloved boxing/sports movies in history. “Rocky” was voted best picture in 1976.

BTW: concerning Leap Years…they’re needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

final monthly service

This past Sunday morning BridgePoint held it’s 5th & final monthly service. 48 people attended & there were 8 visitors! I want to give a great big shout out to the launch team for a job well done…all of you are amazing!

Doing these monthly services have been a great experience. We all grew in some way individually and continued to grow together as a team. From the worship band to the set up & tear down right in front of the boxing ring. Not to mention nursery, preschool, Jr. church, welcome/info. area & refreshments. Everyone worked hard to make those 5 monthly services happen. Dare I say it has gotten to the point that we could do this in our sleep?

Now with that under our belts it’s time to hit the bags & get ready for the Grand Opening…Palm Sunday will be here before you know it!

Friday, February 15, 2008

touch of the flu

Francie & I have been out of commission for about 4 or 5 days. We both came down with a touch of the flu, she on Saturday afternoon & me on Sunday night. I’m here to tell ya, it wasn’t a pretty sight. I’m glad we weren’t expecting a UPS man! The good thing…while we were inside on Tues/Wed it was snowing outside!

The last time this happened to both of us at the same time was in November of 1991. Alexandra was 6 years old & Gregory was 4. We remember them keeping themselves busy around the house while Mom & Dad were both in bed. They were so pleasant & very caring. They still are! (here they are in 1989. What a pic, aren’t they all so cute!)

Anyway, we’re back in the saddle & ready for flyer passing in Tarentum 2morrow @ 11am & our 5th monthly service on Sunday @ 10am. That’s right, this is it! BridgePoint’s final monthly service. Can’t believe how fast these last 5 months just flu bye! (pun intended)
BTW: It's my understanding that some families congregate in the bathroom as well as the kitchen! At least mine does.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Night Out @ the PGH Mills

Friday night we had our 4th "comeback" event. Between each monthly service we schedule a fun event for anyone interested in making BridgePoint their home church. It's a great way for people to connect & get to know each other.

"Night Out @ the Pgh Mills" included "The Great Scaventer Hunt". 50+ people were divided into 2 teams. Debbie Balbo leading the blue team & Debbie Fenchalk leading the orange team. Each team started @ the food court & was given 1 hour to collect a list of items throughout the mall. The first team back with the most the items won.

And the winner was...the Orange team!! Congradulations Debbie, Art, Artie, John, Autumn, Robert, Dave, Lisa, Chester, Alexis, Audrey, Ben, Aaron, Brennan, Linda, Levi, Terry & Michael.
A great time was had by all!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dr. Wood wants to build bridges

This afternoon I read a short book entitled, “Core Values: Serving Christ’s Cause with Effectiveness and Excellence” written by Dr. George O. Wood, the newly elected general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. A long time minister with the A/G whose father was from Jeanette, PA and was a missionary to China & Tibet. Checkout the bridge on the cover!

Those 5 values described in the book are: Passionate Proclamation of Jesus Christ, Strategic Involvement in the next generation, Vigorous Planting of churches, Skillful Resourcing equipping believers & Fervent Prayer. The description of how he came to these 5 core values within a one week period of being elected is described on the back cover of the book.

“Soon after he was elected general superintendent, Dr. George Wood identified five core values that would determine the priorities of his administration. In acting upon these values, his desire is to build bridges-especially to nonbelievers, people of diverse cultures and younger generations.”

The 111 page book was not only inspiring but very insightful. And…I found it very interesting that he’s described as wanting to build bridges that “must be built not only with words, but also with deeds and caring acts that demonstrate sincere, compassionate love.”

At BridgePoint, words, deeds & caring acts that sincerely connect people to Gods compassionate love are the types of bridges we want to help build. On Palm Sunday March 16th that process will begin with our grand opening!

BTW:the superintendent wants to build bridges…BridgePoint…is God up to something?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Life's a Journey

At BridgePoint our tag line is “Connecting Real People to the Real God.” As a bridge carries travelers on a journey connecting them from one place to another, it’s our desire to see people connect with God.

How do we go about that…?

Embrace…people through our Sunday Morning service
Engage…people through our small groups
Assist people to Emerge into their full potential in Christ

Life’s a journey and we’re here to help all along the way!