Thursday, January 3, 2008

Exercise & Seabiscuit

Over the past 2 years Francie & I have been walking on a regular basis. (a few weeks…O.K., maybe more than a few weeks…were not too regular). Alexandra was telling us that she works out a few times a week on a treadmill in the exercise room @ her apartment complex in Springfield. She suggested a treadmill would be a good present we could get each other for Christmas. So that’s what we did. (we got a great deal too…Internet $, floor model & 25% off of that!) We’ve positioned it in the basement in front of the DVD player/TV so we could pass the time watching a movie while walking. It’s really been great, now we don’t have to put on our coats to walk outside. Its shorts & t shirts in the colder months baby!

During the past 2 workouts we’ve watched “Seabiscuit”. The movie is about a winning thoroughbred from the 1930’s. This true story follows the lives of each of the main characters, the owner, trainer, jockey & the horse. It shows they all share a common bond…characters that needed a 2nd chance. Each had it pretty hard before they came together, each wasn’t given much of a shot @ success but out of their brokenness they found each other and managed to beat the odds making it to the winner’s circle more that an few times. In the end the jockey comments that their combined love for Seabiscuit and each other “fixed” them from their broken lives.

There’s just something about a 2nd chance & everybody needs one. We serve the God of 2nd chances. I look back over my life to this point & I thank Him for the 2nd chances He’s allowed to come my way. 2nd chances that have taken me on a road from brokenness to becoming “fixed” or whole. Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Rev 3:20 He’s calling & knocking and although we may not have heard him clearly at first (for whatever reason); He’s still calling & knocking! Jesus doesn’t say, Sorry, you blew it. You should have heard me the first time. You missed your chance. No! He says if anyone hears my voice & opens the door He’ll be there for them.

He can fix whatever is broken. Sometimes He’ll bring others who are broken/were broken into our lives so we can all be “fixed” together or they can show us how we can be fixed. This weekend APC is hosting the Spiritual Breakthrough. It's a great experience that shows us how to break free from the brokenness of the past and into a liberating life in Christ. It's about the 2nd chance! Every time I attend I get something fresh out of it. Check out for more info. I also love what Max Lucado says regarding people who come to Christ or break through to Christ, “God loves you just the way you are but, he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.”

Question…are you glad for 2nd chances? Answer…I am & so was Seabiscuit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't neglect that lat machine now that you have a treadmill. :)