Friday, August 1, 2008

That's the kind of God we serve!

This morning during my preparation for our service this Sunday, I was surfing various images for my sermon theme and wham!! I came across this image of Jesus.

There He is sitting on the cross. What’s going on? What is He thinking? How is He feeling at this very moment? This pic reminds me of the crucifixion scene in Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ”. Check it out the next time you’re watching…the cross is lying on the ground & Jesus crawls on His hands & knees over to it and gets on it HIMSELF!! He lies on His back right on top of the cross, no one put Him there. He did that because He loves us.

That’s the kind of God we serve!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i looked at this picture and i saw my saviour praying...Father dont let them forget what happen on this cross! we are bombarded with the images of the cross everywhere... on church grounds, fastened and displayed around individuals necks pierced in ears, tatooed on bodies, and the heart breaking reality is in this world, this is done without ANY reverence to God or without acknowledgement and thankfulness and respect of His Sons sacrafice on the cross!and definitly the cross is exhibited in these above examples in just that way...adorned... to decorate, to beautify, to embellish with ornaments as to make a statement! But it is not the statement God nor His Son Jesus Christ intended or designed or had in mind when God chose the cross as what would become our "symbol" and the reality of what happened on that cross!
HALLELUJAH!!!! Christ has come down off the cross,the cross is empty, He has come out from behind the rock, the tomb is empty, and he has assended into Heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father.So to adorn the cross in any other way is blasphemy.It is to speak irreverently of God.but to those who adore and worship and love deeply what The Almighty God did on the cross for us through His Son Jesus Christ because of His Love for us, the cross is the symbol of the perfect love relationship that is intertwined between The Father and the Son the Holy Spirit and His adopted children, it is a humble reminder that His flesh was ripped from His body for our sake, so we to should rip our "flesh "away for his is a sober reminder that He was persecuted, oppressed unjustly for holding to an opinion and to the Truth, and being subject to persistent ill-treatment and being we dare to look in the eyes of persecution and harassment and ridicule with no end in sight ill treatment for the sake of christ?
the cross is the christians definition..(explaination of the exact meaning of a word or term)
of the explaination of Gods love His word and His Grace. Christ's blood poured out of Him, to save us from damnation, from everlasting punishment and to destroy the reputation sin would have on us. His blood runs through our vains but do we allow his blood to pour out of us and stain those lives he puts in front of us? Christ does not have to crawl back on the cross to die again for anyone of us.But if you asked Him "would you do it all over again knowing what you know now"?
His answer would be a resounding "YES". Dont forget what happened on the cross,because He did not forget about you on the cross!