Sunday, January 29, 2012

Think Missions

This past Sunday BPC once again this year hosted our Missionary, Pat Summers.
BridgePoint church faithfully supports Pat’s Ministry, Think Missions. It’s through Think Missions that BPC is able to reach the World while still Connecting Real People to the Real God right here in our community.

In 2012 in partnership with Think Missions, BPC is offering two short term Over Seas Missions trips that you can be a part of; Bolivia in July and Cuba in October.

Listen as Pat updates us on all the great things that are happening for the Kingdom through Think Missions and let me encourage you to begin Praying about Giving or Going into all the World in 2012.

Please let me know if you’d like more information about Missionary Pat Summers, Think Missions or the Bolivia and Cuba trips.

Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to hear Pat's message.

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