Friday, September 14, 2012

BPC's Discovering Your Ministry Class 9/15/12 10am-Noon

Tomorrow, Saturday September 15 2012, from 10am – Noon at the church I’ll be teaching the second class in BPC’s “growth tack to membership” called S.H.A.P.E; or what’s more commonly referred to as Discovering Your Ministry.

God has wired each one of us up differently with talents and gifts that when used to honor Him help advance His Kingdom through our service wherever we are and how we’re SHAPEd will determine how God makes that happen through us!

Here’s acronym for SHAPE.
S-piritual Gifts

You just gotta be there tomorrow at 10am to Discover how God wants to use you cuz…you were created on purpose, for a purpose!

Coffee & Donuts will be served during the class so, see ya tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need that class, but my job called mandatory overtime, is there a make-up class in the future?