Monday, May 16, 2011

Passing on the Dream Podcast

This past Sunday I had the honor of dedicating to the Lord little Riley Borg & Isaac Brown so it was very appropriate we continue in our “Dream Chasers” series with the 3rd message entitled; “Passing on the Dream”.

Just like in Acts 2 God is still pouring out dreams & visions on all people in our time & generation. Not only does God want us to have a dream that comes from Him & reach that dream…He wants us to pass on those dreams and 2 of the ways we can do that is through speaking & praying Blessings and through Mentoring/Coaching or Apprenticing. Now, I’m not gonna give you the details of the message so you’ll just have to listen to the podcast but…I am passing along the example prayer I read on Sunday of speaking a blessing over your children. Also; I forget to credit Mark W. Merrill with the prayer.

To hear this latest podcast just click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast page.

God Bless

Example of Praying/Speaking Blessing over Children:
[Child's name], you are my [daughter, son], whom I love; with you I am well pleased. (for a teenager or young adult -You are no longer a little [girl, boy] You are now a [woman, man]. You are well equipped with everything you need to fulfill your destiny as a [woman, man] of God.) Before the foundation of the earth, God Almighty planned for your life Psalm 139 says that He created your inmost being. He knit you together in your mother's womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. All the days ordained for you were written by God even before you were born. (Here, name all of the wonderful attributes and character traits of your child. For example, for your daughter you might say something like, "God has made you intelligent--you have a strong mind. God has made you beautiful. I've also noticed since the time you were a little girl that our Lord has given you a great ability to understand right and wrong, good and evil. You get along with everyone and are well-respected and well thought of by others. You are a leader and have used your leadership skills to make wise decisions concerning your friends and in many other areas of your life.") I am beyond joyful that God has given you to our family as a gift. You are a wonderful [daughter, son]. I love you and bless you with the promises, of God. You are His and have been set apart from the world for his Holy purposes. I bless you with God's everlasting love, wisdom, peace, and joy. I bless you with sexual purity, marital fidelity, and many children of your own. May God continue to keep His hand of favor on you and prosper you in all that you do, and may you serve our Lord Jesus Christ all the days of your life. Amen.

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