Sunday, October 30, 2011
Those With the Gifts podcast
In order to be effective witnesses & servants for Christ we need the power of the Holy Spirit! Consider the disciples; while they were gathered in an upper room the Holy Spirit arrived filling each of them with His power so they could be witnesses proclaiming the gospel beginning in Jerusalem to Judea & Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
The coming of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost is referred to as “The Gift of the Spirit’ which is different from “The Gifts of the Spirit”. In this latest installment of our “Holy Spirit WHO?? series we focused the Gifts of the Spirit in a message entitled “Those With the Gifts.” In Ephesians the Spiritual Gifts listed are for the establishment of the church as a whole, in 1 Corinthians the Spiritual Gifts listed are for edification & encouragement of the local church & in Romans the Spiritual Gifts listed are for service & outreach. Believers can have a few Spiritual Gift’s & every believer has at least one.
You know the drill; just click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God bless & enjoy this talk on Spiritual Gifts!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
You'll Know by the Fruit Podcast
The message was entitled, “You’ll Know by the Fruit” & we examine Galatians 5:22-23. As a local church established by God & recognized as His family we have to understand that for us to go to the next level in God we’ve got to trust in the fact that Jesus promised to grow His church; Matthew 16:18 I will build my church & the gates of hates will not overcome it. And we’ve got to know deep in our gut that God’s kingdom is going to be advanced in our community through the power of the Holy Spirit alive & active in each of our hearts. Zachariah 4:5 Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty. Next week I’ll talk about the gifts of the Spirit & the following week Pastor Maribeth Heshler will speak on the Holy Spirit’s healing power. (you O Not want to miss that podcast!!)
All of these messages clearly show us that God didn’t leave us alone & helpless to fend to ourselves. Not only did He send His 1 & only Son Jesus, God has also given us His Spirit to be in the here & now right with us in our time & in our generation. I’m believing God’s life giving power will carry BPC to the next level as we are lead by & are walking in the Spirit.
Just click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast web page.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
BPC Team Membership Class
Membership says: "I'm committed to a group of people who worship God, who hear & apply the word of God preached and who commit to the 'one another' through authentic relationships.” During the class you'll learn the history of BPC & what we believe as a church. I’ll also be teaching on what it means to be a member of God's family and how you can be a part of BPC's vision of "Connecting Real People to the Real God" in Tarentum & the Allegheny Valley.
And here’s the cool thing about this; those of you who have gone through this class will have your names appear on BPC’s Charter Membership Roster. If you’re planning on attending please call or email me by Friday October 21st.
FYI; the Steelers take on the Arizona Cardinals at 4pm so…you'll be out of there way before the kickoff.
Until Sunday
Monday, October 17, 2011
Molder of Dreams podcast
Maybe you’ve heard of Guy Doud before & maybe you haven’t. In 1986 Guy was voted America’s Teacher of the Year so I felt it appropriate to launch into this talk with a Guy Doud video who tells a story form his Jr High school years. I also conclude the talk with another short Guy Doud video. (He a very moving & entertaining speaker!)
In between those 2 videos our text comes from Acts 22:1-11 where we see Paul at the end of his 3rd missionary journey in Jerusalem under arrest & being lead to the barracks. But…before he’s taken from the out of control crowd he’s given permission to speak.
I soo hope you’ll click the title of this blog post so you can be directed to our podcast web page & listen to the message!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Family Service Podcast with Pastor Steve
As you know Steve Michalowski is BPC’s Children’s Pastor and he preached a great message entitled, “Ungrateful Faith”. Speaking on Matthew 17:20 where Jesus talked about having faith as small as a mustard seed Pastor Steve showed us that our faith grows through life’s challenges when we practice it, persist in it and proclaim it!
I so appreciate Steve & his heart for the kids of Tarentum! And a big SHOUT OUT to BPC’s wonderful Intern Shelby for being a great assistant to Pastor Steve every Sunday morning during our Floodgate kids elementary service! God has so blessed BPC with such a great staff and Francie & I are really blessed to be serving alongside these anointed ministers!!
To listen to the message & be blessed by the worship afterwards just click the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Discover the difference between a need and a want through...grumbling & complaining
At BPC this past Sunday Jim Biernesser filled in preaching a powerful message from Exodus about discovering the difference between a need and a want through…grumbling and complaining. Thanks to not only Jim for speaking but also to our Outreach Director, Maribeth for MCing the service!
Click the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to listen to the message.
final podcast in BPC's Tough Questions series