Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Night Before

It's the night before BridgePoint Church's 1st preview service. It seems like it was just yesterday (2/17/06) we had the first small group meeting in Tarentum. To God be all the glory for the things He has done up to this point!

So, we accomplished the following this past week: cleaned the James 5:16 center (it looks great), gathered supplies & prepared the nursery & preschool rooms (AKA the Red corner & Blue corner"locker" rms). Rehearsed with the worship band (they're really "hot" sounding). Picked up the coffee, food & other refreshments for after the service (always a hit). Met with our Jr. Church leaders & picked up their supplies (the kids should have loads of fun). Mailed out 300 letters announcing the monthly services, passed out 400 flyers in West Tarentum and picked up the PA system. Replaced 4 panes of glass & started to repair the front of the building. Replaced all the light bulbs and took down the heavy bags in the Gym. God asks us to do our part & He'll do His.

God we need Your presence & Your power! Draw people to Yourself through BridgePoint Church. Holy Spirit, move on all hearts as we seek to worship Jesus!

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