Monday, October 22, 2007

The Day After

Yesterday, BridgePoint Church had it's 1st monthly service. 50 people attended...Praise God! The launch team arrived by 8:30am. After refreshments and a time of prayer we started the set up. Things went very smoothly with everyone working together...what an incredible launch team! Kudos to each team member!!

Nursery, Preschool, Jr. Church, Welcome, Hospitality & the Cafe area were ready to go. People began to come in and the service started @ 10:05am with kickin' worship! Each part of the service went well right up through the closing prayer. Afterwards everyone gathered near the cafe area lingering for a long time. There was a lot of talking & laughing... everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves.

We had three adults from the service attend our Sunday evening meeting. They even said they'd like to join the launch team...isn't God good?!!! We had worship, prayer & we talked about the service. There was still an atmosphere of excitement from the morning! Then we ate, drank & the kids played in the boxing ring. It was a good ending to a good day!

Psalm 127:1 "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain." Lord, continue to build BridgePoint...Your house!


Jeff Leake said...

yeah God!

Proud of you guys.

Nick said...

Way to go guys!!

melodie said...

I am soooooo very proud of you!

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