Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Book of Prayer Requests

This morning when I got to APC I looked in my box finding a book of prayer requests of APCs dated 1/93 to 2/96. During those years the church had a ledger type book available for people who felt lead to write in their prayer requests. Debbie Lynch wanted me to look at the middle of page 93. The prayer request dated 10/13/94 was written by a child requesting of God "That God would let me follow Him through my life." It was signed by...Alexandra Krowitz, our daughter when she was 9 years old! This is the first time I've ever seen this prayer request. After a wave of emotion I called Francie to tell her what I discovered. She cried as well.

Francie & I are so proud of Alexandra! (and our son Gregory - a junior & pastoral studies major @ CBC in Springfield, MO.) Today Alexandra is 22. She loves God, is beautiful, talented & smart! (a real catch) In May 07 she graduated from Central Bible College with a B.A. degree in Counseling. She is now attending AGTS (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, also in Springfield) studying for her Masters degree in Counseling.

This Saturday our kids will be driving home for Thanksgiving. We haven't spent extended time with them since last Christmas. (a few days during graduation in early May & 2 days in early June when when my Dad passed away). We are so excited to see them! They will also be here to join us for BridgePoint's 2nd monthly service on Sunday Nov. 18th @ 10am.

As I look at her writing I can't help but think that God hears and answers our prayers. So don't stop praying! Whatever it is you're asking God for...don't stop asking. If He could hear and answer the prayers of a 9 year old girl back in 1994 who desired to follow Him all through her life...He hears and can answer your prayers!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests."

Ephesians 6:18

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an AWESOME story! You guys are going to have a great Thanksgiving together! God is so good!