late this afternoon. Isn't she really creative? I love her! After viewing it I got to thinking, What do I see? ...the glasses, the mirror, the reflection of the back of my head? (don't focus on that)
What ever we focus on is all we'll tend to see. The eyes are the window to the soul so... our focus has a direct link to our souls (who we are). We must train our focus on all that we're grateful for. If we focus on the negative, irritating & bad, that's all we'll see.
Hebrews 12:2 encourages us to "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author & perfecter of our faith..." We must attach (fix) the focus of our physical eyes & our spiritual eyes onto Him. When we make this a regular habit in life our issues become smaller & Jesus becomes larger. Our lives are being perfected into a reflection of Him.
So..where's your focus & what do YOU see?
1 comment:
Sweet glasses Greg!
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