Monday, December 31, 2012
sermon podcast By a Different Road
After the Magi from far to the East of Judea found and worshiped Jesus-Savior... their lives were changed forever so they traveled back home “By a Different Road.” After finding & worshipping Jesus our lives can be changed forever as well by also traveling a different road…a God Centered Road in 2013 as we all launch into a New Year.
Listen as I not only recap the talks in BPC’s December series “Christmas is Not Your Birthday” but also specifically give BPCers practical application on how to travel this different road…this God centered road beginning January 2013.
To listen to this talk…just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
Happy New Year and God Bless!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sermon podcast parts 4 & 5 in BPC’s Dec. message series
Linked in this blog post are talks #’s 4 & 5 in BPC’s December message series “Christmas is Not Your Birthday.” The theme of this series is; Christmas is about celebrating Jesus’ Birthday in light of Jesus’ Cross. “Scandalous Love aka Baby-gate” and “Jesus’ Wish List” will get you thinking about Joseph & Mary’s relationship as part of God rescue mission for humanity and what gifts, if any, Jesus might like from us on His Birthday.
Just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage to listen to both of these messages.
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
sermon podcast Giving Up on Perfect
At Christmas we celebrate the manger in light of the cross; 2 objects that are less than perfect and from what the Bible tells us and biblical scholars have researched about the 1st Christmas I don’t think that was perfect at all. In fact I think it was pretty messy, uncomfortable & downright difficult.
Even though things weren’t perfect in the lives of this Joseph & Mary God showed up bringing with their baby a message of hope in the middle of their mess so, I want you to know that God can show up in your life with the same message of hope in the middle of your mess. You see, we don’t have to be perfect for God to show up in our lives & use us!
Just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to listen to "Giving Up on Perfect".
God Bless!
Monday, December 10, 2012
sermon podcast "Expect a Miracle"
Question; Who is more popular; Santa or Jesus?
Yes Christmas is about the miracle of seeing a child’s face light up after opening that special gift on Christmas morning but after all the wrapping paper is picked up from the living room floor are we reminding ourselves and our families that the greater miracle at Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus in light of Jesus’ cross. In this talk Isaiah 9:1-7 provides us with some insight!
Hey, I’m down on Santa, NO! He’s the wonderful universal symbol of gift giving at Christmas time so Santa is O.K. with me but I think Jesus should be #1 and Santa #2. Just sayin…
To listen to this talk just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
Monday, December 3, 2012
sermon podcast "Christmas is Not Your Birthday"
Well, the holiday season is upon us & it seems this year the shopping frenzy began right after Thanksgiving dinner! Now let me say that I’m not opposed to getting a great deal-I love a great deal but-if some of those great deals are the things that bring true fulfillment to our lives apart from knowing God well then maybe a…Christmas refocus is in order!
Christmas is Not Your Birthday; the title of this message & our December 2012 series is about refocusing our thoughts and hearts on what’s really important about Christmas…celebrating Jesus’ birthday in light of Jesus’ cross!
To start out Christmas 2012 right…just click on the link above & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to hear this talk.
God Bless!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
sermon podcast Saving Faith
“Your Faith Partnered with God’s Power Can Help Bring Someone Else to Christ” This was theme of BPC’s Thanksgiving weekend message; “Saving Faith” and although a bit long I gotta tell Ya….it’s really gonna be worth your time to take a listen!
In the Book of Mark we find 4 examples of people bringing someone else…a family member, friend…maybe even a coworker or neighbor to Jesus cuz these faith filled people knew that if they could get that person in front of Jesus then Jesus was gonna do something amazing in their lives.
Something amazing you ask? Well, how about this…paralysis was healed, ears were open & a tongue was now able to form words, eyesight was restored and freedom from torment happened. In each one of these 4 examples someone else’s faith partnered with God’s power helped save a family member, friend or maybe even a neighbor or coworker!
To listen to this talk just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
Monday, November 12, 2012
sermon podcast Jehovah Shalom
Jehovah Shalom is the final message in BPC’s series: “What’s In a name; Exploring the Names of God.” If you’ve been listen to these talks I’m hoping you’ve gained some insight how God showed Himself mighty during some of Israel’s most desperate times and you’ve gained a better understanding about how God works through His people.
In Judaism a name was not merely a conglomeration of letters put together as a convenient way to refer to someone. A name is considered a definition of an individual; a description of their personality and an interpretation of their traits. In this series we discovered God is Yahweh Jehovah-I Am-The Lord God; Jehovah Repheka-The Lord our Healer; Jehovah Nissi-The Lord our Banner of Victory/Conqueror; Jehovah Tesbaoth-The Lord of Hosts/our Mighty Warrior; Jehovah Jireh-The Lord our Provider.
In this message God becomes known as Jehovah Shalom-The Lord is Peace.
I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t want peace in their lives rather than chaos so, to listen to this talk just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
God Bless!
Monday, November 5, 2012
sermon podcast Jehovah Jireh
So, there is only one more message left to go in BPC’s “What’s In a Name; Exploring the Names of God” series. For now here’s Jehovah Jireh: probably the 2nd most recognizable Hebrew name for God.
Journey with us through Genesis chapter 22 as we see Abraham looking for God to be his Jehovah Jireh at a time in his life when he needed God the most! We’ll also see in 2 Corinthians 9:8-10 that when we look to God to provide for us He can also provide for others as well.
Click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Jehovah Tsebaoth sermopn podcast
The Lord of Hosts...The God of Battles...Jehovah Tsebaoth ...Is the 4th installment in BPC's message series..."What's In a Name; Exploring the Names of God"
In this talk you'll discover why this "handle" for God is so important in the lives of "Spiritual Sodiers" enlisted in the Army of God!
To listen to this sermon pocast; just clink on the link above and you'll be directed to BPC's podcast webpage.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Jehovah Repheka Jehovah Nissi sermon podcasts
3 weeks agao I launched a new Sunday sermon series entitled; "What's In a Name; Exploring the Names of God" and over the next several weeks we're journey through the Hebrew Names for God that show different aspects of His character and nature as God revealed Himself to Isreal.
Due to Tech difficulty beyond our control we were unable to record the 1st message in the series; "Yahweh-Jehovah; The Lord God" and we've kinda been late in uploading messages 2 and 3. So, here they are...
#2. "Jehovah Repheka-the Lord Who Heals" and #3 "Jehovah Nissi-The Lord is My Banner."
To listen to either of these messages discovering just what these names may mean for you...please click on the link above and you'll be directed to BPC's podcast webpage to find out!
Monday, September 24, 2012
sermon podcast; A Change of Pace
This talk is entitled “A Change of Pace” it’s the 4th installment in BPC’s “Change Good” series.
After giving a big shout out to BPC’s staff I dive right into the message talking about feeling “stuck” in life and needing a change of pace.
The Nation of Israel was surely “stuck” as slaves in Egypt so to get “unstuck” they hung onto that Rehema word from God about the promised Deliverer which encouraged them to become all that God had intended for them to become. But to really & truly do that this Great Nation had to get the heck out of Egypt!
At this time in your life do you feel “stuck” like Israel? Do you need a Rehema word from God so that you can become all that God intends for you to become? Well my friend; maybe it’s time for you to get the heck out of Egypt?! (Your Egypt is a pattern of sin or disobedience to God that’s keeping you stuck)
If you need a change of pace to get yourself unstuck just click on the link at the top of this podcast & you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
Be blessed as you get unstuck!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Change of Scenery sermon podcast
Again, on behalf of the Hetrick family I’d like to extend thanks to all you BPCers for the prayers, love and support you’ve shown their family over the last 2 weeks at the loss of their oldest son, Francie & I are so blessed by how you’ve responded as the family of God!
“A Change of Scenery” is the 3rd installment in BPC’s September 2012 message series; “Change Good.” (We were unable to record & upload the 2nd message in this series due to events beyond our control so, I apologize for that!) In this talk I feel towards BPC like Paul did towards the church in Rome where in Romans 1:8 he says; “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.”
The Roman church was functioning as God had intended His family to function establishing an excellent reputation across the known world. They were full of Thankfulness, Encouragement and Compassion for their own and those who were not yet a part of their church family and BPC…over the last 2 weeks you’ve shown these qualities as well! You’re not only caring for your own but also Connecting Real People to the Real God while building a reputation for God that is making an impact in your world; an impact with the people you interact with everyday!
Well now, that’s just about enough from me cuz I know you want to listen to the message so; just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God Bless and remember; We’re Better Together!
Friday, September 14, 2012
BPC's Discovering Your Ministry Class 9/15/12 10am-Noon
Tomorrow, Saturday September 15 2012, from 10am – Noon at the church I’ll be teaching the second class in BPC’s “growth tack to membership” called S.H.A.P.E; or what’s more commonly referred to as Discovering Your Ministry.
God has wired each one of us up differently with talents and gifts that when used to honor Him help advance His Kingdom through our service wherever we are and how we’re SHAPEd will determine how God makes that happen through us!
Here’s acronym for SHAPE.
S-piritual Gifts
You just gotta be there tomorrow at 10am to Discover how God wants to use you cuz…you were created on purpose, for a purpose!
Coffee & Donuts will be served during the class so, see ya tomorrow!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Nathan Hetrick Memorial Service location changed to Allison Park Church
Due to the large number of people wanting to attend Nathan Hetricks memorial service the location has been changed to Allison Park Church (APC).
The service will still be on Thursday September 13 2012 & begin at 6:30pm with light refreshments served in the concourse following the service.
Below is the information for the church:
Allison Park Church, 2326 Duncan Ave, Allison Park PA 15102
Visit APC's website for directions to the church
Thank You!
The service will still be on Thursday September 13 2012 & begin at 6:30pm with light refreshments served in the concourse following the service.
Below is the information for the church:
Allison Park Church, 2326 Duncan Ave, Allison Park PA 15102
Visit APC's website for directions to the church
Thank You!
Nathan Hetrick Memorial Service
A memorial service will be held for Nathan Hetrick on Thursday September 13 2012 at 6:30pm at BridgePoint Church. There will be light refreshments in the Lower Level following the service.
Parking is available on the street surrounding the church, at Dusters Funeral Home on 10th Ave and at Gattos Motorcycle Repair Shop on 7th Ave.
Please visit our BPC's website for directions.
Parking is available on the street surrounding the church, at Dusters Funeral Home on 10th Ave and at Gattos Motorcycle Repair Shop on 7th Ave.
Please visit our BPC's website for directions.
Open House Time of Prayer for the Hetrick Family
Tonight from 7-8pm BridgePoint Church will have an Open House Time of Prayer for the Hetrick family for the loss of their son Nathan. We'll make available note cards for you to write a few words of encouragement letting the family know you are thinking about them and praying for them.
Keep checking my Blog, Facebook & Twitter for information regarding any arrangemnets for Nathan.
Keep checking my Blog, Facebook & Twitter for information regarding any arrangemnets for Nathan.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
sermon podcast Portraits of Change
Labor Day weekend marked the end of summer…Boo Hoo! But no need to fret cuz this September at BPC we’re gonna help you navigate this Summer-Fall change with a new sermon series entitled “Change Good!”
OK so, change is uncomfortable but for the believer in Christ before we grow old in God we gotta grow up in God and a proper perspective towards change helps us to do that!
“Portraits of Change” is the 1st installment in this month’s 5 part message series and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna point you in the right direction as you get back on track with a regular routine & back to school schedules.
Hey, I’m inviting you to click on the link above so you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage to hear what this talk is all about.
God Bless and remember…change is good cuz it’s helps transform us into the very best reflection of Christ that we cane be!
Monday, August 27, 2012
BPC sermon podcast: Psalm 23;God's Antidote to Disappointment
This is the final installment in BPC’s August 2012 message series: Psalm 23; God’s Antidote to... Disappointment.
Hey, disappointment is a part of life so it’s important we learn how to navigate through it, wouldn’t you say? David’s wanting us to know that our Good Shepherd not only wants the cup of our lives to be full but overflowing with God's presence! David wants us to know the Good Shepherd has 2 well trained sheep dogs, Goodness and Mercy, always following us as we follow Jesus! And… David wants us to know that our deepest desire should always be to dwell, find a place of rest, in God for the rest of our days!
As those in attendance asked themselves a question and prayed a prayer at the conclusion of this message…would you ask yourself this same question and pray this prayer as well?
God, when I look into the cup of my life is it…full, ½ empty or is there only a small trace of Your presence?
God, even in the face of disappointment I want nothing more than my life to be consumed by Your presence; I want nothing more than my life to be filled & over flowing with Your presence so, I’m asking You to lead me out of disappointment & into a place of rest & peace that only comes through Your Spirit!
To listen to this message just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God Bless!
Monday, August 20, 2012
sermon podcast Psalm 23; God's Antidote to Damaged Emotions and Indecision
Here’s the 3rd message in BPC’s August message series: Psalm 23; God’s Antidote To…Damaged Emotions and Indecision.
Plug in your earphone, click the above link and listen as we learn more about Psalm 23 and how it applies to our lives. In this 3rd part you’re gonna learn a few more things about sheep & shepherds as well as a little more about the Good Shepherd Himself, His tools, His table and His Anointing!
Just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
Enjoy & God Bless!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Sermon podcast Psalm 23: God’s Antidote to Busyness & the Dark Valleys of Life
This is the 2nd installment in BPC’s August 2012 message series entitled: Psalm 23; God’s Antidote To…Busyness & the Dark Valleys of Life.
Why paths of Righteousness for His name sake, why walking through the valley of the shadow of death and why fear no evil? Just some of these questions are answered in this podcast so…click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage!
God Bless you as you listen!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Psalm 23; God's Antidote To...Worry & Hurt sermon podcast
During August 2012 I will be preaching through Psalm 23; one of David’s most popular Psalms & one of the best known in all of literature because how it’ woven deeply into the fabric of our lives. I mean…mostly everyone recognizes Psalm 23 when they hear it …right?
In this 1st installment we’ll be walking through “Psalm 23; God’s Antidote To…Worry & Hurt” realizing that when we follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd, as MY (Your) Shepherd you won’t be wanting cuz when you’re with Him He brings a rest & relaxation of the spirit that fills your soul to satisfaction.
Also, when we follow the Good Shepherd He’s always ready to Restore us to Himself even when we’re lost!
To listen to this message simply click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Hope you’re Blessed!
Monday, July 16, 2012
How to Keep Daily Stress from Stressing You Out sermon podcast
“How to Keep Daily Stress from Stressing You Out” is the latest installment in BPC’s “Managing Stress” July 2012 summer message series.
Included in this message are the 3 most important rules to follow when it comes to dealing w/ daily stress: Resist becoming Bitter, Receive help from Others and Refocus on Christ.
I just know you’re gonna get something out of this talk so just click the link above and you’ll be directed to out podcast webpage. BTW: it’s
Be Blessed!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
What To Do When You're Reached Your Breaking Point sermon podcast
Change happens through relationships with God & with other people so it’s with this thought in mind we can manage our stress in a healthy way that glorifies God especially when we’ve reached our breaking point.
"Knowing What to Do When You’ve Reached Your Breaking Point" shows we’re surrendered to God’s ultimate plan & purpose for our lives and also shows we can be an example to others; especially those who are the closest to us. Here's the deal; the goal is to become like Jesus and many times God will use those who are closest to us to accomplish that! (Think about that one for a minute!)
This is what God may have had in mind for David in his realtionship with Saul. While running from Saul twice David could've "pinned him to the ground" killing him but he didn't cuz he wanted to please and honor God. David would rather live in a cave pleasing God than sit on a throne before his time displeasing God.
In this talk you'll discover 3 things that David did to manage his stress in a healthy way before he reached his breaking point.
To listen to this message just click on the link above & you'll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Monday, July 2, 2012
"Facing Failure; What to Do When You've Lost It" sermon podcast
Feeling stressed is normal; sometimes stress motivates you to focus on your work and at other times you can feel incredibly overwhelmed unable to concentrate on anything. While stress affects everyone differently there are two major types of stress: stress that’s beneficial & motivating…Good Stress & stress that causes anxiety & even health problems…Bad Stress.
So what if your stress is stressing you out? What do you do if you’ve “Lose It?” While no one is perfect that doesn’t mean you can “go off” whenever you feel like it! God has given us a spirit of self-discipline & we can manage our stress in a healthy way that honors God & shows others that they can feel safe around us. Facing Failure while stressed out requires us being honest with God & ourselves if we’re ever gonna grow in our relationship with Christ.
The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to recover from being stressed out & in this message I’ll give you 3 rules to follow that will help you when you’ve “Lost It.”
Just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sermon Podcast "An Intellectual Shift"
In John 3:1-21 some see Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus as an example of how easy it is to believe in Christ but not unlike today Jesus was really challenging everything this man stood for.
Nicodemus was one of Israel’s elite teachers; a Pharisee & member of the Sanhedrin the powerful Jewish counsel who were fanatically religious on the outside but selfish and conceited on the inside. They fastidiously adhered to nearly 600 laws many of which were their own invention.
Knowing Israel had not had a prophet for 400 years Nicodemus was intrigued by Jesus miracles believing He must be from God so Nicodemus goes to talk with Jesus @ night to find out himself what this guy is all about.
I find it so interesting that in between this plethora symbolic language God inserts the way of salvation in its simplest form through a verse we can all quote by heart; John 3:16
To listen to the message just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage.
God Bless!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Sermon Podcast An Attitude Adjustment
What fuels a good or bad attitude? On Father’s Day 6/17/12 I preached a message entitled “An Attitude Adjustment”; it was the 3rd part in BPC’s June series “They Met Jesus.”
Most men & I guess people in general can trace the root of a good or bad attitude to how they see themselves or how they perform so it’s only when we come to God & begin to understand who we are in Christ we can make the necessary attitude adjustments. In his book Victory Over the Darkness Neal Anderson says “It’s our position in Christ that matter & not our performance” explaining that “No person can consistently behave in a way that’s inconsistent with the way he perceives himself.” And I love this; “What you do does not determine who you are, who you are determines what you do”.
As believers it’s important we understand it’s our position in Christ through the Cross that makes us an asset to the kingdom of God & not so much our level of performance as Martha discovered in Luke 10:38-42.
Just click on the link above & you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage to listen to the message.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sermon Podcast "A Vocal Change"
Sunday June 3 2012 I began a new message series entitled; “They Met Jesus”. In this series we’ll discover that meeting Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit can totally change a person forever! But here’s something that will never change; God’s love for you!
Meeting Jesus definitely brings change to our lives but it all begins when we understand that we must take the 1st step towards God by surrendering all that we are, renewing our hearts & our minds as we now begin to become the best reflection of Christ that we can be.
“A Vocal Change” is about Zacchaeus & Chuck Colson; after they met Jesus these 2 men were changed forever & they wanted to tell everyone they knew about it cuz…after having an encounter with Christ how can we ever want to remain the same?
Just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast web page.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
"Evicting Envy From Your Heart" by Pastor Rick Warren
This morning we concluded our "Redefining Normal" series with a message on DVD by Pastor Rick Warren entiled; "Evicting Envy From Your Heart". For those who were in attendance again, thanks for your patience regarding our Tech. difficulty.
Click the link below to see the entire message, I know you'll be Blessed!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Virginia Cavitt Visitation and Memorial Service
On Sunday May 20 2012 Virginia Cavitt, Ginny Mortimer's Mother, went Home to be with the Lord.
You may pay your respects to Virginia's family at Peters Funeral Home in Natrona Heights on Friday evening May 25 2012 from 7-9pm
Virginia's Memorial Service will be on Saturday May 26 2012 at 11am also at Peters Funeral Home.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Redefining Cause sermon podcast
All Bikers are found riding & raising money for injured veterans; cancer research & the families of police officers killed in the line of duty. These are all great causes but for me the greatest cause there was or is… is…the Cause of Christ! When Jesus came from heaven to earth He Redefined Cause saving us from our sin which was the purpose behind everything He did while on earth. Through His example of sacrifice at the cross & coming to serve and not be served Jesus showed us getting behind His cause and giving our lives away for it has eternal value that far outweighs anything we’ll receive in the here & now!
Getting behind the Cause of Christ is what being a Great Commission Christian is all about!
To listen to this sermon podcast just click on the link above & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God Bless!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Redefining Care sermon podcast
Happy Mother’s Day to all the MOMS out there! Thanks soo much for all you do for your kids and your whole family!!
On this Mother’s Day 2012 we’re in part 2 of our Redefining Normal series w/ a message entitled; Redefining Care. Moms Redefine Care by doing amazing things making it all happen behind the scenes where no one else sees and are continuously in sacrifice mode.
In 2 Kings we find the Widow of a prophet who is also a Mom Redefining Care by kicking into sacrifice mode making it happen behind the scenes & doing something amazing after following Elisha’s instructions which allowed her to pay of her deceased husbands creditors & keep her 2 sons out of slavery!
Just click on the link above and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage where can can not only listen to this message but other BPC messaged as well!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Redefining Community Sermon Podcast
Today (Sunday 5/6/12) I began a new series entitled; Redefining Normal. For most people being viewed as normal is good but my question is; When it come to living for God do we really want to be labeled as normal?
Through the Holy Spirit God has given us a redefinition of what a normal relationship with His Son really looks like & in the New Testament the everyday normal lives of God followers were miraculously redefined now labeling them as anything but normal as they followed the example of Christ & the teachings of the apostles.
In this podcast Redefining Community is one of the keys to redefining a normal christian life so, click the link below and you’ll be directed to BPC’s podcast webpage to find out what I’m talking about!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
A Powerful New Language sermon podcast
In this podcast I concluded BPC's “Pentecostal Power” series with a message entitled “A Powerful New Language.”
Tongues is a language 1st spoken on the Day of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit was poured out on the 120 disciples of Christ who were gathered together in an upper room in Jerusalem. The Bible teaches speaking in tongues is also for today but many have a hard time wrapping their minds around this. Why? Well like anything else we may be uneasy about things we don’t fully understand due to lack of exposure, a bad experience, incorrect or no teaching at all. Because tongues occurred in the Bible & is spoken by believers today let’s define what tongues is; tongues is a earthly or heavenly language prompted by the Holy Spirit that we haven’t learned or our human minds don’t understand when we’re speaking it out.
This Powerful New Language when prompted by the Holy Spirit helps believers encourage and edify themselves during personal prayer and it encourages and edifies others gathered together in a corporate setting such as a service or small group.
Before you decide whether or not this Powerful New Language is for you…click on the link below and listen to the message; pray about it & then decide.
God Bless you as you listen!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Power for Service

Just like on the day of Pentecost and as long as God keeps calling people to salvation (into a right relationship with Himself through Jesus’ sacrifice @ the cross), He wants to pour out His Spirit on people; to come upon people with His Spirit; to have people receive His Spirit; to immerse people in His Spirit and to Baptize people in His Spirit providing Pentecostal Power for Service.
This Baptism in the Holy Spirit deepens our experience and love for God, His Word, one another & those who don’t yet know Christ. The Day of Pentecost was only the beginning of the harvest bringing men & women into God’s family growing in their relationship with God, Jesus, the Spirit & other believers. Romans 12:11 says; Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. This filling of the Holy Spirit brings an excitement that’s boiling over & burning white hot within us thru the 3rd person of the Trinity.
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Pentecostal Power...The Power of God

When we accept Christ as Lord & Savior through the power of the Holy Spirit we’re born again. As new birth Christ followers we received the grace of God through faith in Jesus & now we’re regenerated (we got a Godly make-over), we’re justified (through the cross we’re proven & shown to be right with God), we’re adopted into the family of God (spiritually we’re now a child of God) & we’re sanctified (set apart from sin & set apart 2 God).
This is something all believers in Christ understand & accept as the truth but what’s significant about Pentecostal Power is the belief & reliance on the 3rd person of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit & a desire to now live a Spirit filled life. In this message I talk about where this Pentecostal Power comes from and why it’s significant for us today.
Just click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
HOPE Still Lives on this Side of the Resurrection!

“The Resurrection Alternative”; the final message in BPC’s “What If; The Easter Alternative” message series, affirms & confirms the truthfulness of Jesus’ life, His words & His authority to say in John 11:25-26 I am the resurrection & the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies; and whoever lives & believes in me will never die. Because Jesus rose from the dead, He lives & represents us before God giving us undying HOPE regardless of how ugly or uncertain our current circumstances may be or how disappointed & disillusioned we’ve become.
Because Jesus rose from the dead we have hope for the future; that God through the Holy Spirit will always take care of us when we’re living surrendered & obedient lives to God! Why… cuz HOPE Lives on this Side of the Resurrection!!
Just click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God Bless and Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
4 Years of “Connecting Real People to the Real God”

Watching the 4 Year Anniversary video of services & events and reflecting on these past 4 years filled my heart with gratitude to God for all He’s accomplishing though us as His family, the local church. And…I am so proud of all you who call BPC home; your tireless efforts of service and giving really are making a difference in people lives helping to advance the Kingdom of God from the corners of 9th Ave & Corbet Sts!
Thank you so much to the BPC Staff, Board, Leaders & everyone who over the last 4 years have unselfishly given of your time, talents & resources helping to “Connect Real People to the Real God”. Let me also say that I’m really looking forward to the future as we see the Holy Spirit continue to move among us as we all “row together” in ministry; I believe BIG THINGS are still ahead for BPC!
On behalf of Francie & me let me say we are madly in love with God and…YOU! What an honor it is for us to be your Pastors and we look forward to many more times of serving the Lord together!
Please enjoy this video highlighting some of the things God has done through BPC over the last year!
Click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to the video page where you can view BPC’s 4 Years Anniversary Video.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
The Salvation Alternative

Many people around the world believe that in order to gain Gods favor, His Grace & get into heaven you have to be a good person; which means you have to always speak well of others & do good things but here’s the problem…we don’t always do that.
That’s where Grace comes in! Grace is defined as unmerited favor; kindness shown to someone who is not worthy of receiving kindness. At the moment we accept Jesus as Lord & Savior we receive the God’s Grace not based on how good we spoke of others or all the good things we’ve done but based on Jesus taking our sin upon Himself at the cross thus graciously putting us in a right standing with God!
Please take some time out of your busy schedule and listen to this message cuz it just might be the most important message you’ve heard all year!
Click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast web page.
Enjoy & God Bless!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The God Alternative Podcast

An Alternative is a choice, a course of action which at times can be unconventional or nontraditional. When it comes to our generation we’re certainly seeing many choose unconventional or nontraditional alternatives hoping to better themselves, hoping to get to their ultimate vacation destination & hoping to slim down not just for themselves but maybe for that that certain someone. But here’s my question; What If we humans chose God through the Easter Alternative?
For many that alternative is cloudy so in this series we’ll discover on Easter Sunday through Christ’s Resurrection Alternative we have Hope now & for the future; on Palm Sunday (also BPC’s 4 Year Anniversary…Whoot Whoot) through the Salvation Alternative we’re bathed in God’s Amazing Grace -His Unmerited Favor & in this first message in the series we’ll see through the God Alternative Jesus reveals God as being personal; so personal that He desires to laugh when you laugh and cry when you cry. God wants to be involved in every area of your life...even when you’re eating dinner with friends or at a party!
Just click on the title of this blog post & you’ll be directed to our podcast web page!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
THE Best Investment of Your Life podcast

THE Best Investment of Your Life is the final talk in my "Blessed to Be a Blessing" message series.
Psalm 91 is an incredible promise for those who’ve invested their lives in God through a relationship w/ His Son Jesus & Psalm 91 tells us when we give our lives to Christ we’re God’s own. By acknowledging His name God promises Protection; that He will never leave us or forsake us even when we find ourselves far away from Him. Have you ever felt far from God? Many of us have & the Bible tells us although Israel loved God many times they found themselves far away from Him.
Israel worshipped the god’s of the lands they conquered & occasionally the Prophet Hosea used the term harlot when referring to Israel’s political & cultural promiscuity. But God through Hosea tells the people how much He loves them & passionately wants them back.
As we look deeper into the story of Hosea & his wife Gomer begin to ask yourself; Where is my heart today? Is it with the things of God or with something else?
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God Bless!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Blessing Others podcast

During Easter people’s hearts are open to spiritual things & many start asking themselves; “Does God really exist & if so does He know I’m here?” While focused on Egg Hunts, Baskets 4 the Kids & new spring clothes, in the back of their minds people are thinking about the Cross & the Resurrection asking themselves; “Why did Jesus suffer such a horrible death?” And “Does the resurrection really mean that if I get closer to Him in this life when I die I’ll go to be with Him in heaven forever?” They also may be thinking; “Yeah that’s all great but does the all powerful God of the universe know what’s happening to me & is there anyone on this planet who cares?”
2 Corinthians 5:20-21 tells us; “We are Christ’s Ambassadors” to the world and in Matthew 4:19 Jesus tells His disciples & us; “I will make you fishers of men.” So, as Christ’s Ambassadors and Jesus Fisherman we should Bless Others while allowing the Holy Spirit to draw their hearts to Christ while we help bring in the catch.
In this message I asked everyone to be a Christ Ambassador & Jesus Fisherman handling their own section of the net in 2 parts. Part 1; Hand out to 3 different people an Invitation to BPC’s Eater Service’s and Events. Part 2; Everyone was given an envelope with a 5 dollar bill inside so they could bless someone by taking them out for coffee or their favorite drink. I told people to go have fun & then asked them at sometime afterwards would they briefly tell me about their “Blessing Others” experience.
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to here the message. My prayer is that this talk challenges & inspires you to Bless Others!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
BPC's Latest Podcast; The Key to Living a Blessed Life

Do you realize that… if you awoke this morning more healthy than ill you’re Blessed more than 1 million people who won’t survive this week; if you have never experienced war, the loneliness of being in prison, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation you’re Blessed more than 5 hundred million people around the world; if you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on you’re back, a roof over your head & a place to sleep your Blessed & richer than 75% or the world; if you have money in the bank, money in you’re wallet & spare change in a dish somewhere you’re Blessed & among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy!
Having a constant awareness that God has blessed us is “The Key to Living a Blessed Life!”
Just click on the title of this blog post to hear the first message in this new series, “The Key to Living a Blessed Life”, and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Final Words is the final podcast in BPC's CrossWords series

In this podcast, with great honor and respect as well as a bit uneasy but with the power of the Holy Spirit, on 2/26/12 at BPC my message was centered around Jesus' 7 Final words (phrases) that He spoke from the Cross...
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” Luke 23:43
“Dear Woman, here is your son”; “Here is your Mother” John 19:26, 27
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me”? Mark 15:34
“I am thirsty” John 19:28
“It is finished” John 19:30
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” Luke 23:46
A lot has been said and written about these 7 final words (phrases) and I know I haven’t even scratched the surface of all that the Holy Spirit wants to reveal to us so, if you’re interested in listening...just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Thanks and God Bless!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Personal Words Podcast

Before speaking we should ask ourselves; Is what we’re about to say…
True…Kind…Necessary? 1Peter 3:8-13 gives us the motivation to think before we speak personal words. You see, we are not called to do harm to others but to do good, not to curse but to bless and God rewards this type of behavior with blessing. Listen as I take a deeper look into this inspiring and challenging passage of scripture.
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to out podcast webpage.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Kind Words Podcast

“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”; so there’s power in our words. Kind Words bring us Hope and Life while unkind words bring us Hopelessness and Death so we’d better be under the control of the Power of God – the Holy Spirit – if our words are gonna bring Life and not Death!
The Antarctic Explorer, Sir Ernest Shackelton, knew the power of words and so did James; the brother of Jesus who also knew we’d need the power of the Holy Spirit to control our tongues, our words, because He’s the power behind our words!
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast web page.
Be Blessed.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
BPC's Latest Podcast

In our February 2012 series; CrossWords; The Language of Love from the Heart of the Savior, we’re gonna talk about the power of our words; the syllables that come out of our mouths generated by the brain that is influenced by our heats; words that can build up but can also tear down even those who are the closest to us.
Jesus’ knew the power of words & in this 1st message entitled; Communion Words we examine Jesus’ final Passover meal with his Disciples; AKA The Last Supper where Jesus so vividly instituted the Celebration of Communion. Listen as we verbally paint a snap shot of the powerful words spoken that evening as Jesus was about to sacrifice Himself at the Cross for the forgiveness of sin!
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
God Bless!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Something NEW is happening at BPC!
Beginning this Wednesday, February 1st, we'll be having a Monthly Worship and Prayer service from 7 - 8pm on the first Wednesday of every month. Since we had such a great response to our Worship & Prayer Svc's during our week of fasting & prayer in January we've decided to keep that Spiritual Hunger in front of us on a regular basis!
It WILL NOT be a BORING hour, I can tell you that!! Interlaced with God connecting Worship; music that'll inspire you to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus; we'll also have times for Personal Prayer where you can set aside the busyness of the day/week and connect with God; we'll interceed in Prayer for the needs of others cuz we're not really fulfilled unless we're giving of ourselves and...we'll have an opportunity to get behind BPC Prayer Focuses that'll stretch/grow your faith!
Also; Pastor Steve and Miss Shelby will have something SPECIAL for the kids every month!
Let's make this 1st Wednesday of each month THE MOST IMPORTANT night of THE month so, do everything you can to get to BPC for our Worship & Prayer Svc's cuz...not only will I be there but God's gonna be there waiting for you to show up!
It WILL NOT be a BORING hour, I can tell you that!! Interlaced with God connecting Worship; music that'll inspire you to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus; we'll also have times for Personal Prayer where you can set aside the busyness of the day/week and connect with God; we'll interceed in Prayer for the needs of others cuz we're not really fulfilled unless we're giving of ourselves and...we'll have an opportunity to get behind BPC Prayer Focuses that'll stretch/grow your faith!
Also; Pastor Steve and Miss Shelby will have something SPECIAL for the kids every month!
Let's make this 1st Wednesday of each month THE MOST IMPORTANT night of THE month so, do everything you can to get to BPC for our Worship & Prayer Svc's cuz...not only will I be there but God's gonna be there waiting for you to show up!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Think Missions
This past Sunday BPC once again this year hosted our Missionary, Pat Summers.
BridgePoint church faithfully supports Pat’s Ministry, Think Missions. It’s through Think Missions that BPC is able to reach the World while still Connecting Real People to the Real God right here in our community.
In 2012 in partnership with Think Missions, BPC is offering two short term Over Seas Missions trips that you can be a part of; Bolivia in July and Cuba in October.
Listen as Pat updates us on all the great things that are happening for the Kingdom through Think Missions and let me encourage you to begin Praying about Giving or Going into all the World in 2012.
Please let me know if you’d like more information about Missionary Pat Summers, Think Missions or the Bolivia and Cuba trips.
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to hear Pat's message.

In 2012 in partnership with Think Missions, BPC is offering two short term Over Seas Missions trips that you can be a part of; Bolivia in July and Cuba in October.
Listen as Pat updates us on all the great things that are happening for the Kingdom through Think Missions and let me encourage you to begin Praying about Giving or Going into all the World in 2012.
Please let me know if you’d like more information about Missionary Pat Summers, Think Missions or the Bolivia and Cuba trips.
Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage to hear Pat's message.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Texting Inspiration and Water Baptism
I won’t give it all away so you’ll just have to listen in to the podcast; just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage!
Enjoy and God Bless!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
BPC Latest Podcast

The meditation I’m talkin about is the type that’s found in Psalm 1:1-3, the one who meditates on God’s Word day & night. Mediating on God’s word involves concentrating our thoughts and hearts on what it means to follow Christ. It’s contemplating, pondering, reflecting, considering & thinking about what Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross really means to me today as a 21st century Christian.
In this podcast, "Texting Meditation", I’m not only talking about Christian meditation but Fasting and Prayer as well.
Just click the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast web page.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
What You Need to Know About BPC's Week of Fasting & Prayer

As Christ followers we should periodically follow Jesus’ example of Prayer and Fasting by making it a regular Spiritual Discipline in our lives as it was in Jesus’ life; In Matthew 4:2 it’s said of Jesus, “After fasting 40 days and 40 nights,…” and in Matthew 6:5 Jesus said, “And when you pray…”
Those who wish to participate should begin after lunch on Sunday January 8 seeing it through to lunch on Friday January 13. Exercising this Spiritual Discipline together as a church family can be incredabily encouraging so we’ve scheduled 3 special services to help you stay on course.
Sunday Jan 8, Mon Jan 9 & Wed Jan 11, all at 7pm, we’re having 1 Hour Worship & Prayer Services at the church. Childcare will be provided during all 3 services so there’s no worries there. During each of these services we’ll begin with inspiring Worship as we provide you with a 9 point Prayer Guide helping you stay on task throughout the week. Also during the services we’ll have 3 Prayer Focuses set up in the sanctuary so we can get behind them together in prayer.
This week as you seek God let me encourage you to remove yourselves from distractions so you’ll encounter the Father, Son & Holy Spirit sensing Their presence in a greater way & clearly hearing God's voice reassuring you of His love and amazing plan for you. My prayer is that you find peace gaining a fresh and new perspective on life receiving God’s guidance and power for living as He fills us with His Spirit. So, this week schedule into your day everyday a time of uninterrupted prayer and fasting; no TV, no phone, no activity...just you and God. You determine the amount of time. For some it may mean getting up earlier or going to sleep later, you decide what works best for you.
Francie & I along with the BPC Staff will be praying for you this week & we hope you’ll be able to join us for any or all of these special services!
Monday, January 2, 2012
BPC’s Newest Staff Member
Kim has an incredable gift for Administration and Detail which was clearly evident during BPC’s biggest outreach of 2011; Hope for the Burgh. (see above pic) Kim did a fantastic job leading that event coordinating over 100 volunteers & serving close to 500 people from our community. Kim loves God, is a hard worker and a great example of what a servant of Christ should always be; willing to help out where there was a need!
Kim has the MCM Pittsburgh Network of Churches DNA running through her spirit having been raised by her parents, Bill & Donna Machen who were a part of Allison Park Church in the North Hills while Ron Bailey was the Pastor. Kim came through Pastor Cal & Miss Vickie’s very first children’s ministry as part of their original “Son Shine Kids.”
At BPC Kim’s responsibilities will include handling all the day to day Admin aspects of the church so that I can now focus my efforts on Prayer, God’s continued vision & mission for BPC, Staff & Leadership Development as well as other parts of BPC’s ministry that need my immediate attention.
BridgePoint now operates with a staff of 6 dedicated leaders who love God will all of their hearts, souls, minds and strength and Love their neighbors as themselves continuing to Connect Real People to the Real God in Tarentum and the entire Allegheny Valley!
Welcome a board Kim; we’re so excited you’re a part of our team!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
BPC’s 1st podcast of 2012

On New Year’s Day I began a new messages series entitled: “Text Messages; What We Believe About the Bible as We Develop Spiritual Disciplines for Life” and the title of BPC’s 1st podcast of 2012 is; “Texting Application.”
James 1:22-25 is our Text (I couldn’t resist the pun so please excuse me) and it reveals a lot about the condition of our hearts because reading, hearing, obeying and then applying God’s word can be measured by the effect it has on our behavior and attitudes! There’s much more to this message then this so you’ll just have to listen to the podcast. And…
Listening to BPC podcasts is as easy to do in 2012 as it was in 2011; Just click on the title of this blog post and you’ll be directed to our podcast webpage.
Hope you’re blessed by my very 1st message of 2012!
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